Introducing TEDxHanoi Salon: Where Ideas Come to Life

Welcome to TEDxHanoi Salon, an intimate gathering of inquisitive minds, visionaries, and change-makers. If you’re passionate about sparking meaningful conversations, sharing transformative ideas, and connecting with like-minded individuals, you’ve found your tribe.

TEDxHanoi Salon is not your typical conference. It’s a smaller, more casual, and networking-focused event designed to foster authentic connections and inspire fresh perspectives. Here, ideas come to life in an atmosphere where innovation thrives, and creativity knows no bounds.

Why TEDxHanoi Salon?

We believe that great ideas can emerge from any corner of the world, and we’re here to provide a platform for those ideas to be shared. TEDxHanoi Salon brings together thinkers, dreamers, and doers who are passionate about making a difference in their communities and beyond.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, artist, scientist, or simply someone with a passion for learning, TEDxHanoi Salon offers you the opportunity to immerse yourself in a dynamic environment where diverse voices and perspectives are celebrated.

Get Ready to Take the Stage

But TEDxHanoi Salon isn’t just about listening – it’s also about sharing. We’re on the lookout for live speakers who have a powerful message to deliver. If you have a unique perspective, a compelling story, or a groundbreaking idea that you believe can inspire and ignite change, we encourage you to apply to give a talk at our event.

Our stage is your canvas, and your words have the potential to resonate with a global audience. Join us in shaping the future of discourse, and let your voice be heard.

If you are interested in sharing your idea in a format of a TED talk, please follow the instruction in this file and contact us soon to take the stage at the next event.

Join the TEDxHanoi Salon Community

In this ever-changing world, TEDxHanoi Salon is your opportunity to connect, engage, and be a part of a community that thrives on innovation and inspiration. We invite you to explore our event, learn from thought leaders, and share your own insights. Together, we can create a brighter future, one idea at a time.